From Sushi to Your Kitchen

Seaweed: From Sushi to Your Kitchen

Seaweed, often wrapped around sushi, is making its way into Western kitchens as chefs experiment with this oceanic ingredient, incorporating it into soups, jams, and smoothies.

A Green Revolution

One reason for seaweed’s rising popularity is its green credentials. Cultivating seaweed can capture and store carbon dioxide, making it an eco-friendly choice. It’s sustainable, requiring no land or irrigation.

The Superfood of the Sea

Seaweed is a superfood, packed with protein, amino acids, vitamins, iron, and calcium. It’s not just delicious; it’s nutritious.

Bring Seaweed to Your Kitchen

Seaweed Jam: Miyeok, also known as “wakame,” is simmered with soy sauce, garlic, sugar, and rice wine vinegar to create a sticky, spreadable jam. Use it with seafood, mix with butter, or spread it on toast.

Seaweed Soup: Korean miyeok-guk is a classic dish, often eaten on birthdays. It’s made with miyeok, garlic, soy sauce, sesame oil, and your choice of protein. It’s a traditional dish to honor new mothers and their health.

Smoothies: Adding seaweed to smoothies can give you a boost of essential vitamins like B, C, E, and K. Try a smoothie with sea spaghetti, egg wrack, bladderwrack, ginger, pineapple, and spinach.

So, if you’re looking to add a dash of oceanic goodness to your meals, seaweed is your answer. It’s not just sushi; it’s a versatile ingredient that can elevate your culinary adventures.